Saturday 29 March 2014


So this product is Amazinggg! I cant believe its a drugstore product, like seriously wow. I have been using this for almost two year in April. I had discovered this when I saw it on offer in Superdrug for £2.99, I thought to myself well, I've heard so many people raving about the brand 'Nuetrogena' in the beauty world,so I had to give it a go. When I got home I remember trying it out and thinking wow this is amazing, and even till this day that is still my reaction to this product.

This product just leaves your skin feeling the most amazing cooling sensation on your skin, almost as you can feel your skin breathing ( almost like that feeling after you brushed your teeth, so fresh right? )I just love love love ittt. Not only does it leave it feeling fresh, it makes your skin look so much clearer and since I've been using this my skin has cleared up a lot! I didn't like using this product everyday when I first got it  but at least 3 times a week it was perfect enough for me to fall in love with.I suddenly stopped using it and I realized I got a breakout , so I started using it everyday for two weeks and I saw less breakouts or spots trying to seep through my skin. By no means does this change your skin, but it really improved the way my skin looked. I would have to rate this a 5 out of 5 because I love it.

How I use it Now 

I have changed the way I use this from before. Because I wear makeup on an everyday basis when im going to college or just out , I don't like the fact my skin has been covered for a certain amount of hours and I feel it needs to be nourished again, so when I get home I like to take off my makeup and then apply this as a Mask and it feels amazing, I Apply it as a mask 4 times a week and the other three I use this as a wash on my face, this does change depending on my mood also.

Thanks for reading...

see you soon :)


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