Saturday 21 December 2013

Drugstore Winter/Fall Lips

Hey guys!
so its that time of year when its cold in the morning and we just want to stay in bed and not get up! non the less we still need to do our makeup, and sometimes we don't need to do anything much to make it look like we spent ages on our makeup! So I've been really lazy and just been putting on some foundation in the morning and changing up my lip colour, here are some Lipsticks and lip pencils I have been loving and it gets better there all from the drugstore which makes it super affordable!

If you liked any of these you can purchase them here...

I couldn't find links for the Lip liners I got the Ruby recommends in a beauty in a box, also the Maxfactor one could possibly be discontinued as I did pinch it from my mums make up bag...whoops!

Here are some swatches I took, there both taken with natural lighting , I didn't use flash as it wouldn't show up the real colours.  

Thanks for reading... see you soon :) xx


  1. The rimmel apopcolips are amazing! I love that shade!


  2. I love it to because it just gives you that wash of colour!
